
Calculation Packages

I prepare calculation packages for different structural elements which can be submitted to Building Control before the construction works start. Below are some of the typical situations when the calculation package is required:

Calculations for steel beams and columns

  • Removal of existing internal loadbearing wall between two rooms and replacing it with steel beam ie. open plan rooms


  • Removal of existing external wall between original house and new extension and requirement of structural steel beams or reinforcement beams for your building. New extension


  • Widening of existing doorways or window openings ie. for sliding or bi-fold doors
Calculations for steel beams and columns

Calculations for foundations

  • Strip foundations (wall footing)


  • Raft foundations


  • Pad foundations


  • Mat foundations


Calculations for foundations

Calculations for timber elements

  • Roof trusses


  • Rafters and purlins


  • Floor and flat roof joists


Calculations for timber elements

Structural Surveys

I prepare two types (tiers) of structural surveys and reports. The first is shorter and focused on a specific defect, which, for example, the client has found and would like to investigate further. The second type is full structural survey of the property. This type of survey is also suitable for homebuyers.

Structural reports, inspections and surveys

  • Specific defect surveys: cracks in walls, chimney defects, settlements (subsidence), damages of the retaining walls


  • Homebuyers surveys


  • Fullbuilding surveys


Structural reports, inspections and surveys